You may know exactly what you want and that's great; write it down. It's okay if you are not sure and don't have any ideas. We can come up with some pretty creative stuff from the information you do provide.
Two or three colors in a logo is best.
This is not required. Sometimes our customers have examples drawn out on paper or computer. If on paper, take a picture of it with your phone or scan it. Then upload your image here. We will however, give you additional designs to look at also.
Monogram logos or lettermarks are logos that consist of letters, usually brand initials. IBM, CNN, HP, HBO
A Wordmark or logotype is a font-based logo that focuses on a business’ name alone. Think Visa, Coca-Cola, and Google
A Pictorial mark (sometimes called brand mark or logo symbol) is an icon—or graphic-based logo. Like Apple, Twitter, or Target.
Instead of a recognizable image—like an apple or a bird—an Abstract mark is a geometric form that represents your business. Like the BP starburst, the Pepsi divided circle, and the stripy Adidas flower.
Mascot logos are logos that involve an illustrated character.
An Emblem logo consists of a font inside a symbol or an icon; think badges, seals and crests.
A Retro logo design is typically characterized by linear or symmetrical designs and a rich color palette.
As our gift, we'll also create and print for you beautiful, full color, two-sided business cards.
Tell us what you would like on your business card; name, title, contact info, etc. If there is something special you would like on the back of your card, please let us know. We'll send you the new business card design for any changes you would like or approval.
Admission fee for this course is $10